Sunday, September 3, 2006

How To Use An Immobilizer

Multiculturalism in sociology and criminal history of one

Technorati Tags: culture, crime

The last days I have had conversation with several people about crime and violence, mainly due to a series of events more or less close. He had already written about the fear of crime , and now I want to dwell on the elements present in the commission of crimes and the intervention on them.

is very common, and I think very easy, requiring hand tough on crime. In some ways, is a way of diverting social responsibility to build a better society, because we ended up excluding those who qualify as worthless. It would be similar to the Jewish extermination camps, the inferior races that could not be improved and maintenance was slow the growth of a society's progress. Is there a genetic component offenders makes them different from us? Fundación Paz Ciudadana

recognizes a relationship between drug use and crimes . One of their studies indicates that 73% of those arrested in flagrante delicto tested positive for drug use, crime, presumably, finance the monthly expenditure of up to $ 355,000 for cocaine and cocaine base.

But the drug does not explain everything. There are children in the older populations who want to go to steal into Europe. So where do they get that idea? Of a relative who is already doing, and thanks to that earns money, know places and people, which could legitimize it as a professional. I know that can not be very different from what happens with other races tort. It would be dedicated to the crime families where children live their internalization processes exposed to these codes. So crime goes through a deeply rooted cultural problem. Here

is where we come to another position: as cultural, we must find a way to achieve a dialogue between all these forms to take place in the world and build a social pact. That is a view that abuses of multiculturalism as a tool for social transformation, and ends up changing everything so that things stay the same. This is what Kincheloe and Steinberg (1999) define as liberal multiculturalism , the lower groups do not recognize or above, they must also find their similarities rather than differences. However, although not established hierarchies, inequalities are accorded given the lack of opportunities of certain groups. This approach, as the authors point recedes social problems that can only raise ethical solutions.

also identifies a conservative multiculturalism attributing the ills of society in groups away from concepts values \u200b\u200band materials considered suitable and which are the starting point for evaluation. Not to approve the review would demonstrate the inability to adapt to civilization.

Therefore, extreme positions against crime we are left in the crossfire: harshly punish offenders, or strive for a culture to accept tort, even though we, the lack of opportunities. And in between, those involved in addressing the problems of our society lead people to commit crimes are silenced in the media and populist discourse. Reference

  • Kincheloe, Joe L. and Steinberg, Shirley R., Rethinking multiculturalism, Ediciones octahedron, Spain, 1999.



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