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Sociologists Without Borders (Chilean Chapter) invites you to its first symposium, entitled "The contribution of social sciences to the development of our societies" . This will take place on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 November in the auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Chile, located in Ignacio Carrera Pinto # 1045, Providencia, Santiago de Chile. Admission is released.
"Ethics and Social Responsibility in Social Sciences global context. "
- Ethics, truth, words and meaning in the social sciences." Orlando Ortiz Flores: Philosopher (PUC) and State Professor (U. of Chile) with studies in Science Development (ILADES). He currently serves as Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at the University of Los Lagos and is a team of researchers from ISPAJ.
- "The role of citizens in the ethical regulation of research. Comparative analysis Latin America and Europe. " Marcela Ferrer: Sociologist (U. de Chile), Master of Health Science (Joint Center for Bioethics, U. of Toronto, Canada) Diploma in International Health Organization (PAHO / WHO), Diploma in Population and Development (ECLAC / CELADE). Academic Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Center for Applied Ethics at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, U. de Chile.
"Democracy, Citizenship and Social Development."
- "Latin American Integration at the turn of the century." N. Eduardo Bustos: Political Scientist (UAM, Mexico) with studies in International Relations (UNAM, Mexico) and Masters in Political Science (U. of Chile). Diploma in Political Analysis.
- "Electoral Behavior in Chile." Miguel Ángel López, Ph.D. Political Science (University of Essex, England), Master in Political Science (University of Essex). Master's graduate in Political Science (PUC). Journalist.
- "A vision on the participation of the revolutionary left in recent elections in Central America." Edgardo Rodríguez: Journalist and Social Worker (U. Autónoma de Honduras), MA studies in Political Science (U. of Chile) . Faculty, National Autonomous University of Honduras.
"Debt and Challenges of Social Sciences in America America. "
- " Eyes of understanding and suspicion toward the youths. " Oscar Davila: Social Worker (UCV), Master in Social Sciences and Doctoral Candidate in the Study of Latin American Societies (U. ARCIS). Investigdor the center of social studies and director of Revista CIDPA Last Decade.
- "A look at Latin American development: proposals for addressing the social sciences." Andrea Peroni: Historian (UNLP, Argentina), Bachelor in Sociology (UAH) Master of Social Science (c) (ILADES). postgraduate in Social Planning (CEPAL-SUR) Graduates: Strategies to Overcome Poverty (World Bank), Ethics, and University Development (BID-INEAM). Academic Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Conference: "Challenges of Social Sciences to Globalization." Alberto Moncada: Sociologist, Doctor of Laws (University of Madrid, Spain), Consultant, UNESCO, OAS and Council of Europe. Founder and first Dean of the University of Piura, Peru. President Sociologists Without Borders Spain.
Conference: "Sociologists Without Borders around the world." Alberto Moncada, President and founder of Sociologists and Political Scientists Sin Fronteras, Spain.
From here you can download the program of the Symposium:
For more information, write to soci ; ologossinfro & # 110; Teras @ gmail. , com
Update (2006/11/16): From today you can see this cute poster pasted at several universities.
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