Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sample Declaration Of Confidentiality

de Aristegui and Saldana

Aristegui René Bolio
interview (08/21/2007)

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Here, Carmen Aristegui, an interview with René Bolio, coordinator of "joint participation" a group that wants to become a political party, another one for a change and the worst is that you are sure the record because that is composed mainly of sinarquistas (descendants of the Cristeros) yunquistas (worst) and other far-right groups I sincerely do not lack in this country, however, when they have acted to support the PAN, have provided negative things, more racism, conservatism, anti-feminism, deter sex education, seeking to eliminate the secular state, a phobia for people with sexual preferences different, and so on., nothing good for society, from my point of view, although the discourse we see in the interview is "family." All parties must address the family's welfare, they resemble the "green green" do not even really been operating for the environment but also ecology is something that should be part of the principles of all parties and an issue that should not stop any of the sides political parties!

table also will debate on Tuesday on the news of Carmen Aristegui to Denise Dresser, José Antonio Crespo and Lorenzo Meyer, who as always give good debates and especially the views of Lorenzo Meyer ...

Finally Jorge Saldaña program this August 21, interesting, with the topics of the day: Televisa in charge of the bicentennial, the issue of possible new and more right-wing party as well as messages from the public ...


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