Monday, September 3, 2007

How Much Does Lowes Charge To Engrave?

I'm back and I catch up AGLOCO

Hi all, I have not been published in recent days and there are interesting things besides the news Agloco : the growth of the network was not as good in August as it was in July but here goes and I think when they see the first payment everyone will be excited, I invite the join AGLOCO

Hurricane Felix comes , and the forecasts seem to happen near where I live, (if after Friday will not show up, thank Felix), I hope not as strong and take the appropriate precautions.

and policy related to Mexico, there are several things I want to play fast:

The Minister President of IFE, Ugalde said LC (fewer words words "Si renuncio, sería como aceptar que hubo fraude"

  1. ¿Es una amenaza para el presidente ¿ilegítimo? Felipe Calderón?
  2. ¿Es una confirmación de que hubo fraude?
  3. ¿Las dos cosas?
De cualquier modo creo que debe haber una reforma electoral y remoción de los consejeros del IFE y también del los Magistrados del TRIFE (Tribunal Electoral), reglas más claras para las campañas (destituir candidatos que incurran en guerra sucia; calumnias y mensajes que fomenten el odio o división entre los ciudadanos), menos dinero y menos tiempo para las campañas, regular de manera estricta los radio and television messages, among other things ...

I also talk about the SPP and NAFTA Plus and the loss of sovereignty (also plus), especially for Canada and Mexico, because the U.S. continues to win with these treaties, I will more extensively with links to detailed information as involves much more than most of us know and put us in a very complicated situation.

Del mini
government report and events But let's move, only buuuuu! (Not to mess with their progenitors) for PRD deputies and senators who walked out of the enclosure, instead of making a demonstration as they wanted those who elected them, and convinced of being a "modern left" that will break the mouth and apologizes for the blood splatter ... well. Finally the

notibote last week and this put them at a later time ...


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