Thursday, June 22, 2006

Obese And Brazilian Waxing

or anacondas hunt

Technorati Tags: culture , language, language

Inglés The English language is installed as the way we communicate more massive, at least in the western world . Similar phenomena have been, as is that French was the language of diplomacy during the nineteenth century, mediating between influential people who could use it. No however, today English is presented in small doses, over and over again, whether to sell ( free , comes out), to exclaim ( hello! , in my life), to give status ( account executive). Of course, there are also words that have become part of our language, as "football" and "spying." We must recognize that there are concepts that we can not directly translate from English to Castilian, but often end up giving in our native language for foreign words. This would not mean anything if not for a few speak English fluently, let alone are able to think in a language other than their own, so we were at a disadvantage when we yield to intellectual concepts whose implications do not know.

English is present in trade, culture, sport, social relationships, and those not fluent in the language we are late to everything. It is curious that in these times of globalization does not impose territorial limits, but limits group that transcend geographical boundaries, and today people angloparlantes influential groups have been unified global communication. Kincheloe and Steinberg

defined multiculturalism as a pluralistic attitude towards cultural diversity conceived hierarchical equality between groups, ie, does not distinguish upper and lower groups, but recognizes many differences between them come together in society. However, even if it does not recognize a superior group, it takes a core group around which intergroup relations are built: to enhance diversity (and tolerance to it), individuals who make up the dominant groups must acquire a cultural background minimum that enables dealing with other cultures, and those belonging to nearby groups must learn the cultural norms of the first to succeed in the medium configured from the dominant groups. This approach enables the secondary cultures are defined in terms of power, accepting them as equals but imposing codes own. This is, for example, the occupied territories into tourist many side groups. To remember that in Latin America are not all mariachis, and spent the day hunting anacondas.

worth not justify the use of a pure language, but it is important to consider that if we use English concepts must go through a grasp of it, knowing its implications, and the best, learn to express ourselves with such codes . Of course, we must first learn to speak well Castilian. Reference

  • Kincheloe, Joe L. and Steinberg, Shirley R. (1999), Rethinking Multiculturalism , Octahedron Ediciones, Spain, 1999.


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